Pulso y Péndulo
Un antídoto contra la polarización y las noticias falsas.
En esta época de profunda polarización, nos resulta cada vez más difícil entender a aquellos que no están en nuestro “bando”. Pero esto lleva a que todos estemos menos informados y menos abiertos a escuchar opiniones con las que no estamos de acuerdo. Si combinamos esto con el flujo constante de noticias falsas, el resultado es un cóctel muy peligroso para nuestra democracia. Como antídoto, hemos creado Pulso y Péndulo, un podcast de noticias, tendencias y actualidad producido por Lost Debate. Cada semana, el excongresista Carlos Curbelo y la periodista Fabiola Galindo exploran algunos de los temas más relevantes para la comunidad latina en Estados Unidos.
¿Por qué nos llamamos Pulso y Péndulo?
La realidad política de nuestro país es como un péndulo: entre más duro la empujes hacia un lado, más fuerte es la reacción contraria. Con este podcast pretendemos evitar los extremos y llegar al punto de equilibrio.

A New-York-based independent journalist, Fabiola has covered many of America's most defining moments. From the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests, to the fight over abortion and the past two presidential elections, Fabi has been an on-the-ground reporter for upwards of 15 years and has had her work shown on Univision, Fusion, NY1, WAPA TV and numerous radio and TV stations across Latin America. After securing a free community college education, Fabi transferred to CUNY Hunter College where she pursued a degree in TV & Documentary Production. As a former transportation beat reporter, Fabi is what you would consider a "transit nerd." If your train is running late, feel free to text her, she probably knows what's up. Her favorite perks about living in Queens are being close to her favorite airports, the unbeatable bagel prices, and the subway hubs (did she mention she's a transit nerd?). When she isn't waiting for the G train, you'll most likely find Fabi biking across the city or walking her cat on a leash. She's been nominated — and has lost — three regional and three national Emmy awards. But hey, seventh time's the charm!

Consistently ranked as one of the Congress' most bipartisan members while serving South Florida's 26th district from 2015-2019, Carlos worked tirelessly to pass laws on tax reform, immigration, climate, foreign policy, and gun reform. Prior to serving in the House, Carlos sat on the Miami-Dade County School Board where he championed school choice, increased teacher pay, and fiscal discipline. He has also completed academic fellowships at Harvard University, Columbia University, and the University of Chicago. Currently serving as the Principal and Co-Founder of Miami-based public affairs firm Vocero, Carlos can also be seen on your home television as a regular political analyst for NBC News, where he is often seen chit chatting with Chuck on Meet the Press. Despite his center-right political leanings, Carlos is an avid drinker of fine green tea.

A New-York-based independent journalist, Fabiola has covered many of America's most defining moments. From the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests, to the fight over abortion and the past two presidential elections, Fabi has been an on-the-ground reporter for upwards of 15 years and has had her work shown on Univision, Fusion, NY1, WAPA TV and numerous radio and TV stations across Latin America. After securing a free community college education, Fabi transferred to CUNY Hunter College where she pursued a degree in TV & Documentary Production. As a former transportation beat reporter, Fabi is what you would consider a "transit nerd." If your train is running late, feel free to text her, she probably knows what's up. Her favorite perks about living in Queens are being close to her favorite airports, the unbeatable bagel prices, and the subway hubs (did she mention she's a transit nerd?). When she isn't waiting for the G train, you'll most likely find Fabi biking across the city or walking her cat on a leash. She's been nominated — and has lost — three regional and three national Emmy awards. But hey, seventh time's the charm!

Consistently ranked as one of the Congress' most bipartisan members while serving South Florida's 26th district from 2015-2019, Carlos worked tirelessly to pass laws on tax reform, immigration, climate, foreign policy, and gun reform. Prior to serving in the House, Carlos sat on the Miami-Dade County School Board where he championed school choice, increased teacher pay, and fiscal discipline. He has also completed academic fellowships at Harvard University, Columbia University, and the University of Chicago. Currently serving as the Principal and Co-Founder of Miami-based public affairs firm Vocero, Carlos can also be seen on your home television as a regular political analyst for NBC News, where he is often seen chit chatting with Chuck on Meet the Press. Despite his center-right political leanings, Carlos is an avid drinker of fine green tea.

A New-York-based independent journalist, Fabiola has covered many of America's most defining moments. From the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests, to the fight over abortion and the past two presidential elections, Fabi has been an on-the-ground reporter for upwards of 15 years and has had her work shown on Univision, Fusion, NY1, WAPA TV and numerous radio and TV stations across Latin America. After securing a free community college education, Fabi transferred to CUNY Hunter College where she pursued a degree in TV & Documentary Production. As a former transportation beat reporter, Fabi is what you would consider a "transit nerd." If your train is running late, feel free to text her, she probably knows what's up. Her favorite perks about living in Queens are being close to her favorite airports, the unbeatable bagel prices, and the subway hubs (did she mention she's a transit nerd?). When she isn't waiting for the G train, you'll most likely find Fabi biking across the city or walking her cat on a leash. She's been nominated — and has lost — three regional and three national Emmy awards. But hey, seventh time's the charm!

Consistently ranked as one of the Congress' most bipartisan members while serving South Florida's 26th district from 2015-2019, Carlos worked tirelessly to pass laws on tax reform, immigration, climate, foreign policy, and gun reform. Prior to serving in the House, Carlos sat on the Miami-Dade County School Board where he championed school choice, increased teacher pay, and fiscal discipline. He has also completed academic fellowships at Harvard University, Columbia University, and the University of Chicago. Currently serving as the Principal and Co-Founder of Miami-based public affairs firm Vocero, Carlos can also be seen on your home television as a regular political analyst for NBC News, where he is often seen chit chatting with Chuck on Meet the Press. Despite his center-right political leanings, Carlos is an avid drinker of fine green tea.
All Seasons
Episode 05
Nueva ley de Biden para migrantes venezolanos, primera ministra británica renuncia, decisivas elecciones en Georgia, Kanye West “Ye” compra Parler
about the episode
Episode 04
Voto Hispano, Reporte de la Inflación, Escándalo en el concejo municipal de LA, Juicio Alex Jones
about the episode
Episode 03
Duelo de titanes en Brasil, tregua entre Biden y DeSantis, legitimidad de la Corte Suprema
about the episode