Ep 228

Double Haters, Peak Solar, Forced Treatment

President Biden and former President Trump have the highest share of “double haters” in at least three decades, with new data from Pew showing that a quarter of Americans hold unfavorable views of both men. Ravi discusses this after diving into the politics behind Biden’s latest executive action, which will offer new legal projections for undocumented immigrants who are married to or stepchildren of American citizens, and why the turmoil threatening China’s solar industry impacts the world. Finally, Ravi welcomes Rob Wipond to the show to discuss his new book, ‘Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships’. They explore the realities of abuse and exploitation within the psychiatric system, the growing movement to expand involuntary commitment powers, which often target homeless individuals, and whether mental health and psychiatric laws infringe on due process rights.


President Biden and former President Trump have the highest share of “double haters” in at least three decades, with new data from Pew showing that a quarter of Americans hold unfavorable views of both men. Ravi discusses this after diving into the politics behind Biden’s latest executive action, which will offer new legal projections for undocumented immigrants who are married to or stepchildren of American citizens, and why the turmoil threatening China’s solar industry impacts the world.

Finally, Ravi welcomes Rob Wipond to the show to discuss his new book, ‘Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships’. They explore the realities of abuse and exploitation within the psychiatric system, the growing movement to expand involuntary commitment powers, which often target homeless individuals, and whether mental health and psychiatric laws infringe on due process rights.