Citizen Stewart Show

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Episode 13

TFA Downsizing, “School Discipline Wars”, Perez v. Sturgis, and Reflections on Ed Reform

This week on The Citizen Stewart Show, Chris and Ravi discussed...TFA downsizing, what’s making them mad...'Justices Will Consider Reviving Lawsuit From Deaf Student Who Was Denied Sign-Language Interpreter (ScotusBlog, 1/14/23)', and what’s making them think 'The Coming School-Discipline Wars (National Review, 1/21/23)'.


This week on The Citizen Stewart Show, Chris and Ravi discussed…

TFA downsizing:
What’s making them mad:
  • Justices Will Consider Reviving Lawsuit From Deaf Student Who Was Denied Sign-Language Interpreter (ScotusBlog, 1/14/23)
What’s making them think:
And some inside baseball: how ed reform has its own bureaucracy